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What is SkillsUSA?

SkillsUSA is a student-led professional organization uniquely structured for the personal and professional development of its members. Within SkillsUSA, individuals cultivate a comprehensive skill set encompassing technical, academic, and employability proficiencies, ultimately equipping them for successful career pursuits. The acquisition of these skills occurs through active participation in chapter meetings, contests, leadership conferences, and various activities. It is important to note that each chapter autonomously selects, organizes, and carries out its own set of activities.


SkillsUSA California

Ignite Your Potential

The SkillsUSA California State Design Contest is open to all student members. It includes two categories: State Pin Design and State T-Shirt Design. Winning designs are then produced for SLSC. This is separate from the regional and state competitions. ENTRY FORM

State Conference Theme Resources


2024-2025 State Conference Theme 

PNG Logo File

CA Virtual Background with National Theme

In order for chapters to be eligible for participation in our regional competitions, they must achieve Level One - Quality Chapter status by November 15, 2024.

Get Started Now!

View 2023-2024 CEP Results

State Community Service Project

Join us in this mission as we match our love for California with a golden passion for service. Together, we can light the way for a brighter, more united state.


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Graduating Soon? Join the Alumni and Friends!

SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends Association welcomes all, regardless of your background. We're actively working on growing our membership, raising awareness, and increasing industry support. As a member, you'll receive exclusive content and updates. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our conferences and events. Join us to stay connected with SkillsUSA.

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2024 Skills Jam Casting Call

Get Inspired

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