State Design Contest
The champions of the State Design Contest are chosen to create the pin and shirt for our State Leadership and Skill Conference, distributed to every participant at the event happening in April. This opportunity is open to all members of SkillsUSA California.
2024-25 State Design Finalists
After a meticulous review and statewide member voting, we have identified the top designs in each category. These designs have demonstrated excellence in design, and adherence to rules and embody the spirit of SkillsUSA California.
2025 State Pin Finalist
2025 State T-Shirt Finalist

This competition is open to all registered SkillsUSA California student members who are enrolled in a career and technical education program at a middle school, high school, or college postsecondary institution with an active SkillsUSA chapter (the name of the student must appear on a submitted roster for this school year by November 15, 2024). Membership for the 2024-25 school year will be verified by the SkillsUSA California Staff.
State T-Shirt and State Trading Pin design
T-Shirts are provided to all state and national conference attendees. The winning State trading pin is provided to everyone at the state and national conferences as well as traded at NLSC.
The contest consists of three rounds:
Design evaluation based on guidelines to eliminate non-compliant entries.
Public voting to select ten finalists per category.
Blind voting by the Executive Board and State Design Contest Committee to determine the top three and overall winner in each category.
Online Entry
All entries must be submitted online on or before December 6, 2024, at 1700 p.m. Pacific time.
​Do not mail entries.