SkillsUSA is America's proud champion of the skilled trades. We're a student-led partnership of education and industry that's building the future skilled workforce our nation depends on with graduates who are career ready, day one.
SkillsUSA California partners are supporters of career and technical education. Our partners have an opportunity for input into skill training, a chance to recruit top technical students, and the opportunity to help develop America’s future workforce.
SkillsUSA California serves more than 45,000 career and technical students and teachers statewide, the largest delegation in the nation. These students are training in our state's middle schools, high schools, and college/postsecondary institutions in a variety of careers, such as cosmetology, automotive technology, machining, drafting, culinary arts, and computer networking.
Companies benefit by having input into specific skill training, an opportunity to recruit top technical students, and the good feeling that comes from helping America’s future workforce develop marketable skills. Many industries today face a shortage of skilled workers, and SkillsUSA offers a tangible way to help solve this problem by ensuring that there will be a future workforce trained in the skills the industry needs.
To learn more about how your company can become involved contact State Executive Director Clay Mitchell at
Industry Sectors
Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Arts, Media & Entertainment
Building & Construction Trades
Business &
Education, Child Development, & Family Services
Energy, Enviorment,
& Utilities
Engineering &
Fasion & Interior Design
Health Science & Medical Technology
Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation
Information & Communication Technologies
Manufacturing & Product Design
Marketing, Sales, & Services
Public Services