Get to Know Us
With a legacy spanning almost six decades, SkillsUSA California has been at the forefront of nurturing leaders in career and technical education. The fundamental principles of our organization's leadership are detailed in the key facts sections below, making SkillsUSA a steadfast advocate for the skilled trades in the United States.
SkillsUSA Key Facts

Mission Statement
SkillsUSA is America's proud champion of the skilled trades. Our mission is to empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders, and responsible community members.
"Preparing for Leadership in the World of Work."
Upon my honor, I pledge to prepare myself by diligent study and ardent practice to become a worker whose services will be recognized as honorable by my employer and fellow workers. To base my expectations of reward upon the solid foundation of service. To honor and respect my vocation in such a way as to bring repute to myself. And further, to spare no effort in upholding the ideals of SkillsUSA.
The shield represents patriotism​
The gear represents the industrial society​
The torch represents knowledge​
The orbital circles represent technology​
The hands represent the individual
The colors red, white, blue, and gold represent the national SkillsUSA organization.
Red and white represent the individual states and chapters.
Blue represents the common union of the states and of the chapters.
Gold represents the individual, the most important element of the organization.
I believe in the dignity of work
I believe in the American way of life
I believe in education
I believe in fair play
I believe satisfaction is achieved by good work
I believe in high moral and spiritual standards