SkillsUSA California organizes regional and state championships and actively engages in national championships. Participation in competitions serves as a valuable perk for members of SkillsUSA.
Participation in regional leadership and skill conferences is a prerequisite for advancing to the state conference in all competitions. Chapter contest limits may apply. The regional contests will take place in a hybrid format. Members can enter into one Leadership or one Skill competitive event.
Winners who qualify at the Regional Leadership and Skills Conference (RLSC) receive invitations to participate in the State Leadership and Skill Conference (SLSC). Those achieving gold at the SLSC move on to the national level. It's important to note that contests exclusive to California, held solely at the SLSC, do not progress to the National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC).
Those securing gold at the State Leadership and Skill Conference (SLSC) earn invitations to represent California at the National Leadership and Skill Conference. This provides them with the opportunity to compete in nationally recognized contests against participants from across the country.
The SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards are the official rules of all Nationally recognized contests. The official Technical Standards can be found on the SkillsUSA Registration Site by logging in with your paid professional membership and Pin number (retrieval guide found here). Please be sure to reference the Technical Standards for the current school year, as they are updated on an annual basis by the National SkillsUSA Staff.
Please note that all California only contests are governed by their own rules not found in the official technical standards. These contest rules can be found in the contest's web updates.
Contest Updates
Contest updates are posted as they are received from the Technical Committee Chairs and Contest Coordinators. If information is not listed through the links below, refer to the National Technical Standards for baseline contest information. Check back often, as updates are coming in regularly. All clothing requirements will align with the National Clothing Guidelines minus the logo.

Competition Elitibility
Register Members by November 10, 2023
Chapter of Excellence Program (CEP)
Level One - Quality Chapter by November 10, 2023