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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Shrink Artboard (right-click > Shrink Artboard): Designers can easily resize the artboard to match the size of a raster image. When imported, raster images are scaled as well.Impact & Reflection: Objects are reflected in surfaces, not just flat planes.Geometry Canvas: A hidden canvas that lets you use controls with a geometry brush. This new feature reduces the number of steps required to create a fill or shading and provides a more intuitive and visual approach to fine-tuning your artwork.Solid Sketch: A new type of sketch layer that quickly creates a temporary, filled or transparent sketch. It’s great for drawings that you’re working on, but want to work quickly on just a small section of the drawing. The sketch layer remains in the drawing, so you can still annotate or modify it later. (video: 1:35 min.)Snap Improvements:(video: 3:16 min)Angle snapping in complex drawings, like ship designs, is more precise. You can now snap to an angle defined by a point and offset.Curved lines snap to a circle even if it’s curved.Snapping is more responsive.Create floating snap handles when you press Shift+Spacebar.When you edit text, place or snap to it, a floating snap handle is added to the text.Showing the “Active Tool” status in the status bar makes it easier to choose the correct tool to edit an object.The Insert“C&E” tool now looks like the other tools.Hand tools are easier to recognize and operate.When you hold a tool, text, and selection, the command ribbon opens to show the active tool.When you click a floating tool, you can see how it is set up and access related commands from the command ribbon.Break lines when you change scale.Shrink and expand a drawing by entering an expression and Shift+Enter.The ribbon and UI:Some common ribbon commands have been moved to the ribbon.The ribbon now includes controls to view or hide the ribbon, and to switch between floating and embedded toolbars.New tools in the command ribbon:The following ribbon tools are new:Convert existing poly 2be273e24d

AutoCAD For Windows [2022]

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